The Math Quizzer Version 1.6 Copyright James Miller Some General Info: You should have received your copy of The Math Quizzer in some sort of Archived form. The Archive should contain the following files: QUIZZER.EXE ---> The Main Program QUIZ15.DAT ---> Opening screen data QUIZ15.HLP ---> Instruction file REGQUIZ.TXT ---> Registration information The program will run without any of the support files, but if you do not have an original archive you may not have a legitimate copy of the program. How to Register: The Math Quizzer can be registered for the incredibly huge sum of $7.00. At this time any registrations should be sent to James Miller 904 Manchester Idabel, OK 74745 I can be reached several other ways. Please refer to the file QUIZ15.HLP for further information. Why Register?: Well, if you don't register the program, no one will come knocking on your door in the middle of the night or make obscene phone calls asking how you could go on with your life knowing you didn't register. What you will get is the satisfaction of knowing that you did the right thing! Registered users will receive FREE updates of the program and will be notified should an update be released. A small charge for the cost of disc and postage may apply. Thanks for taking a look at The Math Quizzer!